jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2018

My experiencie blog

Hello again how are you? I am fine , today I going to talk about of the my experience blog and my last publication of the semester.
My experience regarding the blog’s has been quite satisfactory , since I could write about the topics that I like or about my career , although sometimes I find it difficult and many times I had to help from the page www.wordrefference.cl , since there are words that I do not know how to write them.
Also with the writing of the blog, can work under pressure and invoke new words to my vocabulary, which have been very useful ,because I have been able to understand English better and also articles in English. 
I would like in a future that the blog are more constant , with this saying that we can write two or three a week , so that it can be developed further writing .
Well I hope you have some very nice Christmas and New Year, that you enjoy with your families and that it is a very good start to the year 2019, see you next year.

3 comentarios:

  1. I agree to be more constant!

  2. Wow thats really amazing I have heard a new app spotify family plan this app is great and I have started looking at it.Thanks for the help and suggesting the matter I will go forward with it.Keep publishing and writing new article.

  3. Have you tried this new app Pi Music Player Mod Apk this is really great.


English Language Challenges

Hello everyone how are you, I am fine, today I am going to talk about my experience writing my blogs each week, for me the posts I wrote on ...