lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

My future job

Hello again how are you? I am fine, today I going to talk about of the future job that I would like to obtain.
I am studying the speciality of nursery education wich I liked until today , so I am not thinking about taking another speciality.
I would like to star with a job in a kindergarden where I can give my opinion and do a good job with the whole educational community , beside that , work in different spaces , for example the hospital for children in wich their mothers are deprived of liberty for a long time , since they are serving a sentence.Are spaces in wich I would like to work in day to day.
I imagine it as a kindergarten that is very cheerful,colorful , with a lot of spaces for games , creafts , environmental work and that has the Pikler methodology , that is , that children move freely always looking for their autonomy and self awareness and also that there is a participatory work with families.
I imagine job in outdoors where children can explore and live aventure , but always taking care of them , where they are provided with tools and spaces to do it , for example , a child creates a game with the stipulated materials , we leave it and we are participants internal.
The kindergarten is a stable institucion , and I would like to travel and know different kindergarten thourghout the world and in that way to know different realities.
Finally I would like to work at the smalle levels , such as "sala cuna" and "medio menor", since that is where the learning and depelopment of children begins.
See you , good bye

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English Language Challenges

Hello everyone how are you, I am fine, today I am going to talk about my experience writing my blogs each week, for me the posts I wrote on ...