jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018

A site

Welcome back to my blog!
Hello again how are you? I am fine , today I going to talk about of the I’d like to tell you about a place I enjoy visiting. I usually like to visit websites related to my career , for example www.eligeeducar.com ,where the articles what interests me most are about innovations in the classroom and how to work with children psychomotricity , aslo visited websites of newspapers my favorite section is it’s the sport and education , because since I was a child I like sports specifically the football and education because is related to what I study.
In my free times I like to visit websites as www.neftilx.com , because I like to see a lot watch movies and series , at present I’m watching the series Orange is the new Black , wich I recommend it is very good.
Another site that he visited in my free time is www.spotify.com , since I like to listen to music and I feel that it relaxes me , also another websites of music that I like is www.youtobe.com , where in addition to watching music videos , I watch videos of football.
See you , bye

3 comentarios:

English Language Challenges

Hello everyone how are you, I am fine, today I am going to talk about my experience writing my blogs each week, for me the posts I wrote on ...